Thursday, 27 February 2014

6 factors for choosing digital marketing tools

6 crucial factors to consider when choosing the right solution for
your multichannel marketing success. This whitepaper takes a look at
the big question: all-in-one versus best-of-breed. Which comes out on
top in delivering a holistic experience to your users?

Your customers have adapted to the digital era. Have you? You're
actively engaging them on multiple channels, but are you meeting
their expectations? Are you getting actionable insight into who your
customer is and the journey they take? How does the best-of-breed
approach compare to an all-in-one solution in delivering the ultimate
customer and user experience?

This whitepaper explores what should be taken into account when
choosing between integrating multiple best-of-breed marketing tools
and opting for an all-in-one solution. Any marketing team serious
about delivering an exceptional experience to customers, bringing
insight and ease of use to users, and sending qualified leads to the
sales department should consider these 6 factors.

In this 12-page white paper, you will discover:

*  what the customer journey really looks like in the digital era
*  how all-in-one solutions compare to a best-of-breed approach
*  6 key factors to consider when choosing between the two
*  how to provide a truly holistic experience to your customers

Be sure you are making the right decisions and that your current efforts
are optimized to really deliver and succeed in this digital era.
Download the 6 factors for choosing digital marketing tools white paper now.

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