Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Social Media Examiner

Mumtaz, new content in this issue...
Guide to Facebook Reach: What Marketers Need to Know

Have you seen a drop in your Facebook performance?  Do you want more fans to see your Facebook updates?  If so, you need to understand Facebook reach.  In this article, you'll find out what Facebook reach is, why some pages have more visibility than others and... Read the rest of this article...
FREE: How to Reduce Your Social Media Risk

Are you ready for a social media crisis? Need a plan? This free ebook reveals how your business can identify and respond to social media problems. You'll discover how to effectively manage social media teams, IT, security, legal and more. Don't be left unprepared. Click here to download this eBook.

Have you thought about promoting your product or brand on reddit?  Do you know how to engage the reddit community?  In this article I'll show you how brands can engage on reddit and create a successful lead generation campaign using... Read the rest of this Social Media Examiner article...
Boost Your Marketing at Largest Social Media Conference--in San Diego, California
Start the year off right by learning from top industry pros at Social Media Examiner's mega conference: Social Media Marketing World 2014 at the water-front San Diego Manchester Grand Hyatt. Network with Chris Brogan, Mari Smith, Michael Hyatt, Jay Baer, Larry Benet, Michael Stelzner, Amy Porterfield, Mark Schaefer and dozens of other pros in person! This is the event not to be missed.  Click here to learn more.
Social Media Examiner publishes a daily newsletter containing links to our daily posts and other relevant industry news. Some of the content below our daily posts is brought to you by our sponsors.  If you are interested in advertising, click here.
Social Media Marketing World Corporate Sponsor Opportunities

Want to be in front of the largest gathering of social media marketers in the world? Emailemily@socialmediaexaminer.comfor details or click here to watch video testimonials.
Please Join Us For #GetRealChat

We are sponsoring #GetRealChat with Pam Moore tomorrow March 4th at 6:00pm PST and we would love for you to join us!

A Few of Our Popular Articles You May Have Missed Last Week:

Virtual Ticket to Social Media Marketing World 2014 Now Available
For a fraction of the cost of a regular ticket, you'll get full access to the recording of EVERY session.  Yes, every keynote, all the panels and each great session--including access to our exclusive LinkedIn networking group. Click here to learn more

#SMMW14 Networking Tip

Get to know your fellow attendees by pre-networking in our exclusive #smmw14 LinkedIn group or on our Facebook event page. You can also follow the speakers on Twitter.  Click here to see the list 
Blogging Fundamentals for Business: An Online Business-Building Workshop

Discover how to use blogging to attract customers and quickly grow your business. Click here for details

Social Media Marketing in Five Steps:

Establishing a good social media marketing campaign for your business could make a difference for your sales. Keep reading to learn more about social networking.
Start by creating profiles on sites your audience is likely to use. You should create profiles on Facebook and Twitter and any other site your target audience is using. Take the time to create original designs for your profiles, but make sure you create profiles that can easily be recognized as being affiliated with your brand. Use the name of your brand when registering for a profile and place a logo on your page. You also need to place links to your homepage and product pages in visible locations as well as your contact information. If you join more than one site, add a link to your other profiles on each site.
Post updates on a regular basis. You need to write quality content that your audience will want to read and share with their friends. Posting links to your blog updates or new products is a good idea, but do not hesitate to share news stories and articles from external sites related to your industry. Keep track of the comments you get and of how many people share your updates to find out what your target audience is really interested in. You might find that certain formats such as top 10 lists are more shared than others.
Establish a real connection with your audience through social networks. On your site, add links to your social network profiles as an option to contact you with questions, requests or suggestions. You should be very polite and professional in your interactions with people on social networks. If necessary, create a personal profile so you can talk to your friends and family privately. Remember that the social network profile associated with your brand is basically a storefront for your business; it is necessary that you make a good impression. Use your real name to encourage people to trust you but treat them as customers, not as friends.
Make a few changes to your website or blog so that sharing your content becomes easier. You should add social network buttons to your blog posts; most blogging platforms automatically add Facebook, Twitter, Google + or Pinterest buttons to your posts. You can easily get the code for these buttons on social networks if you wish to add them to your site. You also need to place links to your different profiles and invite people to connect with you on these sites by mentioning the kind of content you share, including discounts and other exclusive offers. You could create contests or advertise some discounts on social networks only to create an interest around your updates. Your audience will connect with you on these sites if this is perceived as valuable.
Use these tips to reach out to millions of potential customers in a low-cost marketing campaign. Take the time to develop a good campaign and to adapt it to your audience.
By Greg Holloway

30 Proven Internet Marketing Strategies

Discover 30 Ways you can grow your business online
As a savvy business owner, you know you should tap in to social media, ramp up your SEO efforts and work on your website and email marketing. But how do you grow your business online while still managing everything else in your company?
Infusionsoft, the Leader in Marketing Automation Software has created a simple Guidebook to help business owners navigate online growth.
  • How to instantly improve your website effectiveness
  • Simple ways to improve your search engine rankings
  • Where you should spend your online advertising dollars
  • The easiest ways to engage in social media
  • And much more
Ultimately, you'll learn 30 fast and easy ways to grow your business online.
And you can do it all without having to become an expert on every topic!
Download Now!